Wildlife Photography Journey

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Goodbye to 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, it's time for me to take a moment and engage in thoughtful reflection, contemplating both the highs and lows of the year. Amidst the challenges, one notable hurdle was the increasing presence of uncontrolled hunters, crowding our cherished photography spots. The pursuit of elusive species like the white-throated dipper, striped hyena, porcupine, and others became progressively demanding.

In the midst of these challenges, 2023 marked a year of new endeavors. I proudly curated and presented my photo exhibition and got it to be displayed in four different locations over the year, successfully printed and sold my first calendar, and captured numerous memorable photos. Venturing into the realm of photographing mammals added an exciting dimension to my portfolio. The digital realm also witnessed growth as my Instagram following surpassed 6K, and I established my professional photography website.

Throughout the year, I had the privilege of meeting new individuals and exploring previously undiscovered locations, expanding both my network and creative horizons. While I accomplished many of my goals, some targets remained elusive. Yet, I find solace in acknowledging that such moments of incompleteness serve as fuel for the journey ahead, providing a fresh set of aspirations for the coming year. Overall, I am content with the progress made in 2023, recognizing that a blend of successes and challenges is an integral part of the ever-evolving journey in the world of photography.

Reflecting on the progress made over the years, in 2022, I focused exclusively on capturing images of birds. In 2023, I expanded my photographic pursuits to include mammals, and as the year draws to a close, I've embarked on capturing images of amphibians, setting the stage for the upcoming year's headline focus.