Wildlife Photography Journey

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Missed Opportunity

During the summer migration back in 2021, we ventured to a location north of Lebanon atop a mountain. As we drove and stopped to admire the scenery, I stepped out of the car and closed the door.

What transpired next was nothing short of mesmerizing; the ground beneath me seemingly became airborne. Unbeknownst to me, hundreds of black kites were perched on the mountain, and my abrupt door slam startled them. In a matter of seconds, some took flight, triggering a domino effect as the rest followed suit.

Witnessing their coordinated aerial dance, I was initially shocked and transfixed by the unexpected spectacle. Unfortunately, in the midst of this breathtaking moment, I realized my camera was still in the car and not at the ready.

Regrettably, I missed the golden opportunity to capture this extraordinary group of birds, merely a few feet away, all because I wasn't careful enough and prepared in time. a chance that might not happens again.