Lemon-Yellow Tree Frog (Hyla savignyi)

During the day

During the night

The Lemon-Yellow Tree Frog, scientifically known as Hyla savignyi, is a captivating amphibian found in the eastern Mediterranean region, including countries like Greece, Turkey, and Israel. True to its name, this frog species boasts a vibrant lemon-yellow coloration that sets it apart from its relatives. Its slender body and large, expressive eyes add to its charm, making it a favorite among amphibian enthusiasts. Despite its small size, the Lemon-Yellow Tree Frog possesses impressive jumping abilities, enabling it to navigate its arboreal habitat with ease. As a nocturnal creature, it emerges after dusk to forage for small insects and other invertebrates, utilizing its sticky toe pads to cling to leaves and branches. Its melodic calls, reminiscent of tinkling bells, can often be heard echoing through the night, serving both as a means of communication and courtship. While once abundant in its natural habitats, the Lemon-Yellow Tree Frog faces threats from habitat loss and pollution, emphasizing the importance of conservation efforts to ensure the survival of this enchanting species for future generations to admire and appreciate.