Lebanese Thin-toed Gecko 

(Mediodactylus amictopholis)

The Lebanese Thin-toed Gecko (Mediodactylus amictopholis) is a species of gecko endemic to the Middle East, specifically found in Lebanon (Endangered) and surrounding regions. This nocturnal reptile is characterized by its slender body, distinctive thin toes, and typically brown or gray coloration with irregular patterns. As with many geckos, it possesses specialized adhesive toe pads that allow it to effortlessly climb vertical surfaces and navigate its rocky habitat. Primarily dwelling in rocky outcrops, cliffs, and urban areas, the Lebanese Thin-toed Gecko is a proficient hunter, feeding on small insects and arthropods under the cover of darkness. Due to its elusive nature and habitat preferences, it may not be frequently encountered by humans, although it plays a crucial role in controlling insect populations and contributing to the biodiversity of its ecosystem. Despite the lack of comprehensive research on its population trends and conservation status, efforts to preserve its habitat and raise awareness about its importance in Lebanon's ecosystems are vital for ensuring the continued survival of this unique gecko species.