Mammals, Birds, Snakes Photography

Lebanon 2024 - By Bachar Bouka

In 2024, I shifted my focus to the enchanting realm of herping. The vibrant spectrum of colors that awaited me ignited a thrilling sense of joy, accompanied by an exhilarating surge of adrenaline.

Although the main focus was reptiles, in just a year, I was not only able to photograph 70% of Lebanon's snake species, but I also had exceptional moments documenting Common Kestrel Family, rare encounter with the Stone Marten during the day, very close encounters with the Rock Hyrax, Special rare moments with the Least Weasel.

Photos in this selection are chosen not only because they depict beautiful images that showcase the beauty of nature as I see it, but also the element of rarity, uniqueness, mutation, and special moments.

The accomplishments I've made this year would have been unattainable without the invaluable support and mentorship of my steadfast friend, Rami Khashab, Lebanon's premier expert in Herpetofauna.

Mammals of Lebanon

Highly Venomous Snakes of Lebanon

My Best Work for 2024

  • Nature Lebanon

    Common Yellow Swallowtail

    Papilio machaon

    Lebanon - June 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Stone Marten wildlife lebanon

    Stone Marten

    Martes fouina

    Lebanon - Al Zaarour - June 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon 500mm PF 5.6


  • Endangered Animals Lebanon

    Rock Hyrax

    Procavia capensis

    Lebanon - May 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon 800mm 5.6 + TC1.25


  • Amphibians Lebanon

    Near Eastern Fire Salamander

    Salamandra infraimmaculata

    Lebanon - Mount Lebanon - Jan 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Lebanon Mountain Viper (Montivipera bornmuelleri)

    Lebanon Mountain Viper

    Montivipera bornmuelleri

    Lebanon - May 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5/5.6


  • wildlife lebanon

    Least Weasel

    Mustela nivalis

    Lebanon - Akkar - June 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon 800mm


  • Insects Lebanon

    Mediterranean Banded Centipede

    Scolopendra cingulata

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - Jan 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Birds of prey Lebanon

    Eurasian\Common Kestrels

    Falco tinnunculus

    Lebanon - Al Shouf - April 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon 800mm 5.6 + TC1.25


  • Rare Frogs Lebanon

    Lemon-Yellow Tree Frog

    Hyla savignyi

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - Feb 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Rare snakes Lebano

    Diadem Snake

    Spalerosophis diadema

    Lebanon - North Bekaa - Feb 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Snakes Lebanon

    Large Whip Snake

    Dolichophis jugularis

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - Jan 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Lizard Lebanon

    Alexander's Worm Lizard

    Blanus alexandrii

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - Jan 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Insects Lebanon

    Black Tarantula

    Chaetopelma olivaceum

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - Jan 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Rare Amphibians Lebanon

    Syrian Spadefoot

    Pelobates syriacus

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - Jan 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Snakes Lebanon

    Crowned Dwarf Snake

    Eirenis coronella

    Lebanon - North Bekaa - Feb 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • New List Item

    Lebanon - Mount Lebanon - Jan 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Nature Lebanon


    Lebanon - North Lebanon - Feb 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Snakes Lebanon

    Dice Snake

    Natrix tessellata

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - Jan 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Lizards Lebanon

    Medeterranian Chameleon

    Chamaeleo chamaeleon

    Lebanon - North Bekaa - Feb 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Amphibians Lebanon

    Variable Toad

    Bufotes sitibundus

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - Feb 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Lizards Lebanon

    Horny Scale Agama

    Trapelus ruderatus

    Lebanon - North Bekaa - Feb 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Scorpion Lebanon

    Deathstalker Scorpion

    Leiurus abdullahbayrami

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - Feb 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Snakes Lebanon

    Red Whip Snake

    Platyceps collaris

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - March 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Snakes Lebanon

    Narrow-Striped Dwarf Snake - juvenile

    Eirenis decemlineatus

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - Feb 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Amphibians Lebanon

    Levant Water Frog

    Pelophylax bedriagae

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - March 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Insects Lebanon

    Thistle Mantis

    Blepharopsis mendica

    Lebanon - North Bekaa - Feb 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Amphibians Lebanon

    Caucasian Toad Herping Lebanon

    Bufo verrucosissimus

    Lebanon - Mount Lebanon - March 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Rare Lizard Lebanon

    Gunther’s Cylindrical Skink

    Chalcides guentheri

    Lebanon - North Lebanon - March 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Schneider's skink Lebanon

    Schneider's Skink

    Eumeces schneideri

    Lebanon - Mount Lebanon - March 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Lebanon thin-toed gecko Endangered lizard

    Lebanon Thin-toed Gecko

    Mediodactylus amictopholis

    Lebanon - Mount Lebanon - March 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Wildlife Photography Lebanon

    European Fallow Deer

    Dama dama

    Lebanon - Bekaa - March 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon 800mm 5.6


  • Wildlife Photography Lebanon

    Sitka Deer

    Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis

    Lebanon - Bekaa - March 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon 800mm 5.6


  • Wildlife Photography Lebanon

    Corsican Mouflon

    Ovis aries musimon

    Lebanon - Bekaa - March 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon 800mm 5.6


  • Birds of lebanon

    Eurasian Penduline-Tit

    Remiz pendulinus

    Lebanon - Bekaa - April 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon 800mm 5.6


  • Mediterranean Cat Snake (Telescopus fallax syriacus)

    Mediterranean Cat Snake

    Telescopus fallax syriacus

    Lebanon - Mount Lebanon - May 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5/5.6


  • Birds of prey lebanon

    Eurasian\Common Kestrels

    Falco tinnunculus

    Lebanon - Al Shouf - April 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon 800mm 5.6 + TC1.25


  • Levantine Dwarf Snake (Eirenis levantinus)

    Levantine Dwarf Snake

    Eirenis levantinus

    Lebanon - May 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5/5.6


  • Schokari Sand Racer (Psammophis schokari)

    Schokari Sand Racer

    Psammophis schokari

    Lebanon - May 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5/5.6


  • Levant Rat Snake (Elaphe druzei)

    Levant Rat Snake

    Elaphe druzei

    Lebanon - June 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon 100-400mm 4.5\5.6


  • Coin-Marked Snake (Hemorrhois nummifer)

    Coin-Marked Snake

    Hemorrhois nummifer

    Lebanon - May 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5/5.6


  • Blunt-Nosed Viper (Macrovipera lebetina)

    Blunt-Nosed Viper

    Macrovipera lebetina

    Lebanon - May 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5/5.6


  • Owls Lebanon

    Long-eared Owl

    Asio otus

    Lebanon - Anjar - July 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 100-400mm 4.5/5.6


  • Birds of UAE

    Arabian Green Bee-eater

    Merops cyanophrys

    UAE - Ras Al Khaimah - August 2024

    Nikon Z9 Nikon Z 500mm 5.6
