By Rami Khashab

β€œLebanon is known for its unique location and climate which led to large variety of habitats and species within a very small range. Sadly numbers of wild species are constantly declining as a result of human activity and lack of environmental awareness.

One off my goals is to spread local and internation awareness about the wild species found in Lebanon (especially herpetofauna) in order to conserve them as a vital part of the unique Lebanese ecosystem and change the superstitions about them.

I have been working with native herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians) for more than 10 years. That includes: sea turtle conservation, reptile rescue and rehabilitation, research and filling data gaps on native fauna, and public awareness in schools, scounts and other environmental circles.”

Herpetological Wonders of Lebanon

  • Black Tarantula by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Black Tarantula

    (Chaetopelma olivaceum)

  • Coin-marked Snake by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Coin-marked Snake

    (Hemorrhois nummifer)

  • Levant Rat Snake by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Levant Rat Snake

    (Elaphe druzei)

  • Diadem Snake by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Diadem Snake

    (Spalerosophis diadema)

  • Palestine Viper by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Palestine Viper

    (Daboia palaestinae)

  • Levant Fan-fingered Gecko by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Levant Fan-fingered Gecko

    (Ptyodactylus puiseuxi)

  • Bridled Skink by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Bridled Skink

    (Heremites vittatus)

  • Schokari Sand Racer by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Schokari Sand Racer

    (Psammophis schokari)

  • Lebanon Mountain Viper by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Lebanon Mountain Viper

    (Montivipera bornmuelleri)

  • Mediterranean Cat Snake by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Mediterranean Cat Snake

    (Telescopus fallax syriacus)

  • Predatory Bush Cricket by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Predatory Bush Cricket

    (Saga pedo)

  • - Palestinian Kukri Snake by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Palestinian Kukri Snake

    (Rhynchocalamus melanocephalus)

  • Syrian Spadefoot by Rami Khashab Lebanon

    Syrian Spadefoot

    (Pelobates syriacus)

  • Sheltopusik by Rami Khashab Lebanon


    (Pseudopus apodus)