“The magic you are looking for, is in the work you’re avoiding”
Rare, Vulnerable and endangered photos
for Birds, Mammals, Reptiles and more
Rare mating documentary - Lebanon
Black-winged Kite mating, very rare to get photographed mating in lebanon and building their nest.
Endangered - Lebanon
Rock Hyrax, they live between rocks on the clifts, in a hard to get terrain, one from each four trips to photograph them is successful.
Hard to get - Lebanon
Great Spotted Cuckoo, three times saw it on three different occasions, after I was waiting it landed in the spot I want for exactly 3 seconds before it took of, 3 seconds were more than enough to get my shoot.
Hard to get - Lebanon
Tawny Owl in flight at night, weeks of trail and error to finally get it.
Hard to get - Lebanon
European Badger, they have poor eye sight and strong smell detection, get ready for siting still unnoticed.
Hard to get - Lebanon
White-throated Kingfisher full body closeup. months of trying, never sat on the spot I want and never close enough until this happens for few whole minutes.
Hard to get - Lebanon
Little Bittern, one second three shots.
Hard to get - Lebanon
Barn Owl in flight attack mode at night. 40 hours of waiting to get the perfect shoot. I have used all the tricks in the book to get it done.
Rare - Lebanon
Three-banded Plover migrant from Africa, first encounter in Lebanon. almost got robbed for this photo.
Hard to get - Lebanon
Long-eared Owl landing at night, waiting for the Barn Owl, instead this beauty shows up, could not be happier.
Nearly Threatend - Lebanon
Ferruginous Duck, taking photos for this one without knowing how endangered it is.
Rare to see - Lebanon
Pied Kingfisher, very few numbers in Lebanon, first encounter for me and spent ten minutes with it getting as much photos as possible, luckily for me the spot was perfect and the distance was acceptable. with this photo I have completed my lebanon only three kingfishers.
Rare - Lebanon
Diadem Snake fist record was on June-2021, this one is the number six record 25-Feb-2024.
Rare to see- Lebanon
One of the least distributed amphibians of Lebanon. The Syrian Spadefoot - toad (Pelobates syriacus).
Vulnerable - Lebanon
Gunther’s Cylindrical Skink (Chalcides guentheri)
Endangered - Lebanon
Lebanese Thin-toed Gecko is endangered specie in Lebanon and under the threat of losing its natural habitat limited to be present in a very specific points. (2024-Mar-13)
Endangered - Lebanon
Lebanon Mountain Viper (Montivipera bornmuelleri), endangered and very hard to come by one.
Rare to See - Lebanon
Schokari Sand Racer (Psammophis schokari), small, fast, and very rarely to encounter one.
Elusive - Stone Marten
I must have hundreds and thousands of photos from the Lebanese wilderness and many, many encounters before I got the chance to catch this one on camera.
Hard to get - Least Weasel
Although it is very common, it is very hard to find one. A great tip about a nest pushed us to drive 8 hours round trip, wait 2 hours, resulted in ten minutes photography chance it. It was worth every minute of this crazy hard trip.
Some of these photos took me weeks, even months, to capture,
while others were taken during a very brief and rare encounter.