Red-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus)

The Red-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus) is a striking and vocal bird, commonly found across South Asia, including India, Pakistan, and parts of Southeast Asia. Recognizable by its bold black, white, and brown plumage, this medium-sized bird has a distinctive red fleshy wattle near its beak, which gives it its name. Red-wattled Lapwings are often spotted in open fields, wetlands, and agricultural lands where they feed on insects, seeds, and small invertebrates. Known for their loud, shrill calls, they are particularly noisy when alarmed, often using their piercing cry to warn of approaching predators. The species is also known for its unique behavior of pretending to have an injury to distract predators away from its nest, which is typically a simple scrape on the ground.