Lizards & Chameleons Photo Collection

Schneider's skink (Eumeces schneideri)

Egyptian Agama (Laudakia vulgaris)

Egyptian Agama (Laudakia vulgaris)

Egyptian Agama (Laudakia vulgaris)

Alexander's Worm Lizard (Blanus alexandrii)

Mediterranean Thin-toad Gecko (Mediodactylus orientalis)

Mediterranean Thin-toad Gecko (Mediodactylus orientalis)

Mediterranean Thin-toad Gecko (Mediodactylus orientalis)

Lebanon Lizard (Phoenicolacerta laevis)

Bridled Skink (Heremites vittatus)

Levant Green Lizard (Lacerta media)

Horny Scale Agama(Trapelus ruderatus)

Horny Scale Agama(Trapelus ruderatus)

Medeterranian Chameleon(Chamaeleo chamaeleon)

Medeterranian Chameleon(Chamaeleo chamaeleon)

Gunther’s Cylindrical Skink (Chalcides guentheri)

Gunther’s Cylindrical Skink (Chalcides guentheri)

Lebanon Thin-toed Gecko(Mediodactylus amictopholis)

Lebanon Thin-toed Gecko(Mediodactylus amictopholis)

Levant Fan-fingered Gecko(Ptyodactylus puiseuxi)

House Gecko(Hemidactylus turcicus)
Species Spotlight: A Photo Collection
Lebanese Thin-toed Gecko
Mediterranean Thin-toad Gecko
Horny Scale Agama
Egyptian Agama
Alexander's Worm Lizard
Levant Green Lizard
Schneider's Skink
Gunther’s Cylindrical Skink
Medeterranian Chameleon
Lizards and chameleons are renowned for their remarkable ability to camouflage, a skill honed through millions of years of evolution. These reptiles possess specialized skin cells called chromatophores, which contain pigments that allow them to change color rapidly in response to their surroundings. By adjusting the distribution and intensity of these pigments, lizards and chameleons can blend seamlessly into their environment, effectively hiding from predators or stalking prey. Additionally, many species have evolved skin textures and patterns that mimic their surroundings, further enhancing their camouflage. This incredible adaptation not only aids in hunting and avoiding detection but also plays a crucial role in thermoregulation and communication within their social groups.
In addition to their extraordinary camouflage abilities, lizards and chameleons possess impressive regenerative powers, allowing them to heal wounds and even regrow lost body parts. This remarkable ability is especially evident in species such as the green anole lizard, which can regenerate its tail if it's lost to a predator. Regeneration is facilitated by specialized cells called blastema, which contain pluripotent stem cells capable of differentiating into various cell types. When a lizard loses a tail or sustains an injury, these stem cells are activated, initiating the process of tissue repair and regeneration. While the extent of regeneration varies among species, the ability to heal and regrow body parts is a testament to the remarkable resilience and adaptability of these fascinating reptiles.
Snakes, Lizards, Toads, Invertebrates
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