Birds look similar

This page is a visual guide aimed at helping users differentiate bird species having a similar look It showcases various bird families, such as Herons, Kingfishers, and Sunbirds, through side-by-side comparisons using photography from Lebanon and the UAE. By highlighting the physical distinctions and similarities between species, the page offers an educational tool for bird enthusiasts and wildlife photographers to better identify and understand these birds in their natural habitat.

  • Birds of UAE

    Yellow-billed Stork - UAE

    The Yellow-billed Stork (Mycteria ibis) is a large wading bird native to sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Madagascar. It is distinguished by its long, bright yellow bill, white body with a pinkish tinge, and black flight feathers. These storks are often found near wetlands, lakes, and rivers, where they hunt for fish, frogs, and small aquatic animals, using their long bills to probe shallow waters. Social birds by nature, Yellow-billed Storks often nest in colonies, sometimes alongside other wading birds. Despite being widespread, they are sensitive to habitat loss due to wetland degradation.


  • Birds of UAE

    Socotra Cormorant - UAE

    The Socotra Cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis) is a large, marine bird native to the coastal regions of the Arabian Peninsula, particularly around the Arabian Gulf and Socotra Island. It has a predominantly dark, almost black plumage with a greenish sheen and is known for its distinctive hooked bill. This species is highly social, forming large breeding colonies on islands. It feeds primarily on fish, diving into the water to hunt. The Socotra Cormorant is classified as vulnerable due to habitat loss and human disturbance in its breeding areas.


  • birds of UAE

    African Sacred Ibis - UAE

    The African Sacred Ibis (Threskiornis aethiopicus) is a large wading bird native to sub-Saharan Africa and parts of the Middle East. It is easily recognized by its striking black and white plumage, long curved bill, and bare black head and neck. Historically revered in ancient Egypt, where it was considered sacred and often depicted in hieroglyphics, this bird thrives in wetlands, marshes, and riverbanks. The African Sacred Ibis feeds on fish, frogs, insects, and crustaceans, playing a key role in controlling pests in its ecosystem. However, in some regions where it has been introduced, it is considered invasive due to its impact on local species.


  • Birds of Lebanon

    Purple Heron - Lebanon

    Is a large, slender heron with striking plumage. Reddish-brown neck with a black streak running down the front, and the head features a dark crown and a long, pointed bill that is yellowish-brown. The upperparts are dark gray with a purplish-brown hue, and the underparts are a mix of chestnut and buff. The wings are dark with reddish-brown edges, and the long legs are yellowish, ideal for wading through wetlands. Its overall appearance is more slender and elongated compared to other herons.


  • Birds of Lebanon

    Grey Heron - Lebanon

    The Grey Heron (Ardea cinerea) is a large, elegant wading bird. It has a predominantly gray body with a long, slender neck and a white face. A distinctive black stripe runs from above the eye to the back of the head, ending in long black plumes. The bill is long, sharp, and yellow, ideal for catching fish. Its wings are broad and gray, with black wingtips, and the legs are long and yellowish, perfect for wading through shallow waters. The overall appearance is graceful and statuesque.


  • Birds of United Arab Emirates

    Striated Heron - UAE

    The Striated Heron is a small, stocky heron with a compact build. It has a dark gray crown and a black cap, with a short, thick neck. The back and wings are bluish-gray, while the underparts are pale gray to white. It has a short, sharp, dark-colored bill, and its legs are yellowish to greenish, with long toes adapted for wading. The eyes are bright yellow, adding to its sharp, alert appearance.


  • Birds of UAE

    Western Reef Heron - UAE

    A medium-sized heron comes in two main color morphs: Dark Morph: The bird has a uniform slate-gray body with a dark gray head, neck, and wings. The bill is long, slender, and dark, often appearing black. The legs are black, and the feet are yellowish.White Morph: The bird is entirely white with the same long, slender dark bill. The legs remain black, and the feet are yellow.In both morphs, the Western Reef Heron has a long, sharp bill and a slightly hunched posture.


  • Birds of UAE

    Western Reef Heron - UAE

    A medium-sized heron comes in two main color morphs: Dark Morph: The bird has a uniform slate-gray body with a dark gray head, neck, and wings. The bill is long, slender, and dark, often appearing black. The legs are black, and the feet are yellowish.White Morph: The bird is entirely white with the same long, slender dark bill. The legs remain black, and the feet are yellow.In both morphs, the Western Reef Heron has a long, sharp bill and a slightly hunched posture.


  • Birds of United Arab Emirates

    Western Reef Heron - UAE

    A medium-sized heron comes in two main color morphs: Dark Morph: The bird has a uniform slate-gray body with a dark gray head, neck, and wings. The bill is long, slender, and dark, often appearing black. The legs are black, and the feet are yellowish.White Morph: The bird is entirely white with the same long, slender dark bill. The legs remain black, and the feet are yellow.In both morphs, the Western Reef Heron has a long, sharp bill and a slightly hunched posture.


  • Birds of Lebanon

    Squacco Heron - Lebanon

    A small, stocky heron with distinctive plumage. It has a buff-brown body with a creamy-white face, neck, and chest. During the breeding season, the neck feathers become elongated, forming a soft crest. The wings are white. The bill is short and pointed, bluish at the base, with a dark tip, and the legs are greenish-yellow. Its overall appearance is compact.


  • Birds of Lebanon

    Black-crowned Night Heron - Lebanon

    Is a medium-sized, stocky heron with a distinct, compact build. It has a black crown and back, with gray wings and a white to pale gray underbody. The eyes are large and red. The bill is short, thick, and black, well-suited for its nocturnal hunting habits. The legs are yellowish-green. Its overall appearance is robust, with a short neck and a somewhat hunched posture when at rest.


  • Birds Of Lebanon

    Common Kingfisher - Lebanon

    (Alcedo atthis) is a small, vibrant bird known for its striking colors. It has a bright, iridescent blue back and wings, with a similarly vibrant blue cap on its head. The underparts are rich orange, and it has a white throat and neck patch. Its bill is long, straight, and black, perfect for catching fish. The legs and feet are bright red. The overall appearance is compact, with a short tail and a large head in proportion to its body, giving it a distinctive, eye-catching look.


  • Birds of Lebanon

    Pied Kingfisher - Lebanon

    The Pied Kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) is a strikingly patterned bird with a bold black and white coloration. It has a white face and underparts with black streaks and a black line running from the beak through the eye. The back and wings are black with white spots, creating a striking contrast. Its bill is long and straight, and its legs and feet are dark. The Pied Kingfisher has a distinctive, slightly crested head and a relatively long tail with white edges.


  • Birds of lebanon

    White-throated Kingfisher - Lebanon

    The White-throated Kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis) is a vividly colored bird. It has a striking blue back and wings, a bright chestnut-brown head, and a white throat and underparts. The bill is long, robust, and red, contrasting sharply with its plumage. The legs are also red. Its tail is blue with white edges, and the bird has a somewhat stout, upright posture. The White-throated Kingfisher's bold colors and large size make it easily recognizable.


  • Birds Of Lebanon

    Little-ringed Plover - Lebanon

    The Little-ringed Plover (Charadrius dubius) is a small, agile shorebird with a distinctive appearance. It has a sandy-brown back and wings with a white underside. The most notable feature is a single black ring around its neck, contrasting with the white throat. It also has a black line running from the beak through the eye. The bill is small and black, and its legs are orange. The Little-ringed Plover’s compact size, combined with its striking markings, make it easily identifiable among similar species.


  • Birds of UAE

    Common Ringed Plover - UAE

    The Common Ringed Plover (Charadrius hiaticula) is a small, plump shorebird with distinctive markings. It has a sandy-brown back and wings with a white underbelly. A prominent black ring encircles its neck, which is contrasted by a white throat. It also features a black line running from the beak through the eye. The bill is short, yellowish with a black tip, and the legs are orange. The Common Ringed Plover's bold markings and relatively compact size make it easy to spot along shores and mudflats.


  • Birds of UAE

    Kentish Plover - UAE

    The Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) is a small, elegant shorebird with a distinctive appearance. It has a pale sandy-brown back and wings with a white underbelly. The most notable feature is a black band around the neck, which is often broken or incomplete in some individuals, and a black patch on the chest. The bill is small and black, and the legs are pale yellowish or orange. Its overall appearance is compact and streamlined, making it well-adapted for life along sandy shores and mudflats.


  • Birds of Lebanon

    Three-banded Plover - Lebanon

    The Three-banded Plover (Charadrius tricollaris) is a small, striking shorebird known for its distinctive markings. It has a sandy-brown back and wings, with a white underside. The most notable feature is the three black bands across its chest: one around the neck, one around the upper chest, and one around the lower chest, which gives the bird its name. The bill is short, black, and slightly tapered, and the legs are pale or yellowish. Its compact size and bold patterns make it easily recognizable along riverbanks, wetlands, and sandy shores.


  • birds of lebanon

    European Bee-eater - Lebanon

    The European Bee-eater is a medium-sized bird with vibrant plumage. It has a chestnut-brown head, a black eye mask, and a long, slightly curved black bill. Its back is golden-brown, wings are greenish-blue, and the underparts are turquoise-blue. The tail is greenish with elongated central feathers, and it has short, brownish-gray legs.


  • Birds of UAE

    Arabian Green Bee-eater - UAE

    Is a small, slender bird with bright green plumage. It has a green head, a narrow black eye mask, and a slightly curved black bill. The underparts are pale green, and the wings are a vibrant green. The tail is long with central feathers that are elongated and pointed. The bird's legs are short and grayish, complementing its overall sleek appearance.


  • Birds of UAE

    White-eared Bulbul - UAE

    The White-eared Bulbul (Pycnonotus leucotis) is a medium-sized songbird native to the Middle East and parts of South Asia, including regions of Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. It is characterized by its distinctive white cheek patch, black head, and yellow vent area. The White-eared Bulbul thrives in a variety of habitats, from urban gardens to semi-desert environments, making it a common sight in cities, parks, and agricultural areas across the UAE. This species is known for its cheerful and melodious calls and is often seen foraging for fruits, nectar, and insects. Due to its adaptability, the White-eared Bulbul has successfully established itself in the UAE, becoming a familiar resident in both urban and rural settings.


  • Birds of UAE

    Red-vented Bulbul - UAE

    The Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) is a medium-sized, robust songbird with a distinctive and colorful appearance. It has a mostly brown, speckled body with a darker head. The key feature is its bright red vent, which is the area under the tail, giving it its name. The underparts are pale brown to white, and the tail is dark with some red or orange undertones. The bill is short and dark, and the legs are dark brown. The Red-vented Bulbul's striking red underparts and speckled body make it a noticeable and attractive bird.


  • Birds of Lebanon

    White-spectacled Bulbul - Lebanon

    (Pycnonotus xanthopygos) is a medium-sized, robust songbird with distinctive features. It has a mostly olive-brown body with a yellow underbelly. The most notable markings are the white β€œspectacles” around the eyes, which are bordered by a black line, giving the impression of glasses. The head is dark brown, and the bill is short and dark. Its legs are dark and the tail is relatively short and brownish. The White-spectacled Bulbul’s vibrant colors and distinctive facial markings make it a standout in its natural habitat.


  • birds of lebanon

    Isabelline Wheatear - Lebanon

    The Isabelline Wheatear (Oenanthe isabellina) is a small, attractive bird with subtle yet distinctive plumage.

    Adult Male: The male has a pale, sandy-brown or isabelline-colored back and wings, with a white underbelly. It features a black mask around the eyes and a black line extending from the beak through the eye, and a black tail with white edges. The overall appearance is quite elegant and streamlined.

    Adult Female: The female is generally paler and more subdued in color than the male. She has a sandy-brown or pale isabelline back with a more muted, less contrasting underbelly and less prominent black markings.

    Both sexes have a relatively short tail and legs, and are often seen in arid or semi-arid habitats where they can be observed foraging for insects on the ground.


  • Birds of Lebanon

    Northern Wheatear - Lebanon

    The Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) is a small, striking bird with distinctive plumage.

    Adult Male: During the breeding season, the male has a pale, sandy-brown back and wings, with a white belly and a black "mask" around the eyes. It features a prominent black line running from the beak through the eye, and its tail is white with a black base and tip. The overall appearance is crisp and contrasting.

    Adult Female: The female is similar in shape but has more muted and less contrasting colors compared to the male. She has a more brownish back and a lighter, less defined underbelly.

    Both sexes have a relatively short tail and legs, and they are often found in open, rocky habitats or tundra during migration. The Northern Wheatear is known for its distinctive call and agile foraging behavior.


  • Birds of Lebanon

    Pied Wheatear - Lebanon

    The Pied Wheatear (Oenanthe pleschanka) is a striking small bird with distinctive black-and-white plumage.

    Adult Male: The male is easily recognizable with its bold black and white pattern. It has a black head, throat, and chest, which contrasts sharply with its white underparts and belly. The back is grayish, and the tail is black with white edges. Its wings are dark with white spots. The overall appearance is dramatic and contrasting.

    Adult Female: The female is less contrasting than the male. She has a more muted brownish-gray back with lighter underparts and less pronounced black markings. The tail is brown with white edges.

    Both sexes have a relatively short tail and legs, and the Pied Wheatear is typically found in open, rocky areas or semi-desert habitats.


  • Birds of Lebanon

    Black-eared Wheatear - Lebanon

    Black-eared Wheatear (Oenanthe hispanica) is a medium-sized, striking bird with distinctive black-and-white plumage.

    Adult Male: The male has a striking appearance with a black head, throat, and chest, contrasting with white underparts and a pale gray back. The wings are dark with white spots, and the tail is black with white edges. It also features a notable black line from the beak through the eye, giving it a bold look.

    Adult Female: Has a more subdued appearance compared to the male. She has a brownish-gray back and wings, with lighter underparts. The black markings are less pronounced, and she lacks the striking black head and throat.

    Both sexes have a relatively short tail and legs, and they are commonly found in open, rocky or stony areas, often perched prominently as they search for insects.


  • Birds of lebanon

    Great Cormorant - Lebanon

    A symbol of grace and adaptability in the avian world, commands attention with its sleek silhouette and remarkable fishing prowess. Found across continents, these masterful divers effortlessly glide through waters, their streamlined bodies perfectly adapted for underwater hunting. With striking black plumage contrasted by brilliant emerald eyes, Highly social beings, they often gather in large colonies, adding to the spectacle of their presence. Whether in solitary contemplation on a rocky outcrop or in dynamic flight formations against the sky.


  • Birds of UAE

    Purple Sunbird - UAE

    The Purple Sunbird (Cinnyris asiaticus) is a small, vibrant bird with striking iridescent plumage.

    Males: During the breeding season, males are particularly eye-catching with a metallic purple or deep violet throat and chest, transitioning to a dark greenish or bronze color on the back and wings. The underparts are often a bright, iridescent purple. The bill is slender and curved, ideal for feeding on nectar.

    Females: Females and non-breeding males have a more subdued appearance, with a duller olive-brown or greenish-brown body, a pale yellowish belly, and less iridescence overall.

    Both sexes have a relatively short, straight bill and long, slender legs. The Purple Sunbird is known for its vibrant colors and agility in flight as it feeds on nectar from flowers.


  • Birds of Lebanon

    Palestine Sunbird - Lebanon

    The Palestine Sunbird (Cinnyris osea) is a small, striking bird with vivid plumage.

    Males: During the breeding season, males display a striking metallic green or blue-green back and head, with a bright red or orange belly. The throat is often a brilliant iridescent purple or blue. The wings are dark and the tail is relatively long and slightly forked. The bill is slender and curved, adapted for feeding on nectar.

    Females: Females have a more muted appearance with an olive-brown or dull greenish body, a pale belly, and a less vibrant coloration overall.

    Both sexes have long, slender legs and a characteristic agile flight. The Palestine Sunbird is known for its beautiful colors and is often found in a variety of habitats, including gardens and open woodlands.


  • birds of lebanon

    White Stork - Lebanon

    The White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) is a large, graceful bird found across Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. It is easily recognized by its striking white plumage, contrasted with black flight feathers, long red legs, and a long, pointed red bill. White Storks are migratory birds, traveling thousands of kilometers between their breeding grounds in Europe and their wintering grounds in Africa.


  • birds of lebanon

    Black Stork - Lebanon

    The Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) is a large, striking bird found in parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa. Unlike its more familiar relative, the White Stork, the Black Stork has mostly dark, glossy black plumage with iridescent green and purple sheen on its back, wings, and neck, contrasting with its white belly. It also has long red legs and a red bill.


  • Glossy Ibis (Plegadis falcinellus)

    Glossy Ibis - UAE

    A medium-sized wading bird with a striking appearance, primarily recognized by its dark, iridescent plumage that shimmers with shades of green, bronze, and purple in the sunlight. Found in wetlands across Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas, this ibis prefers marshes, swamps, and estuaries for feeding and nesting. Its long, curved bill is well-adapted for probing into soft mud, where it feeds on insects, crustaceans, small fish, and amphibians. During the breeding season, its plumage takes on an even richer, glossy sheen. Social and gregarious, the Glossy Ibis often gathers in large flocks and is known for its graceful, deliberate movements in shallow waters.


  • Indian Pond Heron (Ardeola grayii)

    Indian Pond Heron - UAE

    Is a small, stocky bird commonly found in wetlands, marshes, ponds, and paddy fields across South Asia. It exhibits a unique appearance, with its dull brownish-gray plumage when at rest, blending seamlessly into its surroundings. However, in flight, the heron reveals striking white wings, creating a vivid contrast. This bird is an opportunistic feeder, preying on fish, amphibians, and insects in shallow waters. Known for its patience, the Indian Pond Heron remains motionless before striking its prey. It’s an adaptable species, often seen even in urban areas where water bodies exist.
